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Agile Marketing – How to make it really work for you

Agile Marketing – How to make it really work for you

Agile Marketing? What does that mean? Well, given the hype around Scrum and agile project management it would not take long until marketing operations would be identified as an adjacent area to deploy the methodology – after application development. But how do we set up the marketing organization to become “agile ready”? Read this article to learn how it can be done.

Why companies don’t go for low hanging fruits​ in customer experience

Why companies don’t go for low hanging fruits​ in customer experience

Low hanging fruits in customer experience? Here’s an example. Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to solve a specific problem and didn’t know how? Like you are sitting in your car and there’s this strange noise you’re hearing and you don’t know where it comes from. You just know that it’s your car that’s making the noise. And it isn’t good!

Kosten senken – Marktwirkung erhöhen

Kosten senken – Marktwirkung erhöhen

Wer die Kosten im Marketing senken aber gleichzeitig die Marktwirkung erhöhen will, muss die Schwächen seiner Marke analysieren und sie mit Hilfe maßgeschneiderter Aktivitäten beheben. So kann die Marketing-Effizienz erhöht werden. Siemens Mobile konnte auf diese Weise seine Marktanteile deutlich steigern.



© Richard Bachem 2022